Several forest closures are in effect because of post-fire hazard abatement work, including removal of hazard trees, road culvert work, waterbar construction, and other projects to reduce risk in the fire areas. Check with your local Ranger District office for current status on area closures – some of these closure areas may change in size. Some of the closed areas may be re-opened, but others could remain in place till spring.
Closures will probably remain in effect through the winter around the Mt. Cashmere Fire, Basalt Fire, and Peavine Fire in the Mission Creek drainage. Forest Service personnel hope to open some winter recreation areas near Tronsen Meadows and the Liberty Beehive Road if weather conditions allow completion of hazard tree removal. Weather conditions will determine whether this work can be accomplished before snow covers the area.
The Table Mountain Fire area closure has been reduced to the perimeter of the burned area, and the closure will remain in effect until the first week of December or until snow accumulation is adequate to allow limited grooming to occur. Contact the Cle Elum Ranger District at (509)852-1100 for up-to-date information.
Click any of the maps below for a larger version.
The Eightmile Lake area south of Windy Pass and north of Colchuck Lake on the Wenatchee River Ranger District is closed.
The Basalt Peak Area northeast of the Rock Creek Guard Station and south of Basalt Pass on the Wenatchee River Ranger District is closed.
The Table Mountain area south of Poison Canyon and northwest of Wenatchee Mountain, east and south of Hwy. 97, on the Wenatchee River Ranger District is closed.